Thursday, September 13, 2012

Some people call it procrastination.  Procrastination is part of a person's motivation strategy.  It is how they motivate themselves.  It also has to do with the meta program distinction pattern of Patient or Wait (Reactive).  People with the Patient pattern wait and consider, analyze, analyze, consider some more.  As opposed to the Initiate Pattern which is proactive.  People with the Patient Pattern are very good at inside sales, cashiers, bank tellers, clerks, any where people have to wait for others to initiate.  Profile:
  • Motivated to wait, analyze, consider and react
  • Wait for others to initiate
  • Situation must be right before they act
  • Believe in luck and chance – world is not in their control
  • Spend a lot of time waiting
  • Good analysts
  • Use of gerunds (-ing)
Watch people sit in a meeting.  The Initiators will move around a lot and be active in their seats and will change positions.  The Patient will sit and move very little or not at all.  So the next time you procrastinate, be OK with it.  It is a program your brain is running.  Instead of always wanting to change things about you, find where the pattern words best and go do it!